TSP: The Solid Rock

Just wanted to share this version of The Solid Rock, recorded by my husband, Doug Gregan.

The song was written by Ed­ward Mote, cir­ca 1834, before there even were saxophones, but Doug does a beautiful job integrating his horn into this powerful hymn.  Will­iam B. Brad­bu­ry composed the music in 1863, according to the HymnTime.com website.

Below are the lyrics, if you’re inclined to sing along.


My hope is built on no­thing less
Than Je­sus’ blood and right­eous­ness.
I dare not trust the sweet­est frame,
But whol­ly trust in Je­sus’ name.


On Christ the so­lid rock I stand,
All oth­er ground is sink­ing sand;
All oth­er ground is sink­ing sand.

When dark­ness seems to hide His face,
I rest on His un­chang­ing grace.
In ev­ery high and stor­my gale,
My an­chor holds with­in the veil.


His oath, His co­ve­nant, His blood,
Support me in the whelm­ing flood.
When all around my soul gives way,
He then is all my hope and stay.


When He shall come with trum­pet sound,
Oh may I then in Him be found.
Dressed in His right­eous­ness alone,
Faultless to stand be­fore the throne.


Click to hear The Solid Rock on Sound Cloud.

The Solid Rock with Doug Gregan on saxophone and keyboard. There are three versions, and this is the first.

I hope you are blessed. It brings peace to my soul.


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