It’s Not About Abortion

It’s not about pedophiles.

It’s not about human trafficking.

It’s not about borders.

It’s not about the evil virus.

It’s not about the Supreme Court.

It’s not about healthcare.

It’s not about climate change.

It’s not about school choice.

It’s not about globalism.

It’s not about the deep state.

It’s not about the swamp.

It’s not about Russia, China, or Ukraine.

It’s not about Obamas, Clintons, or Bidens.

It’s not even about the economy.

In the end, this election is about one thing, and one thing only: Israel. While all these issues matter—and more besides—there is only one issue that comes with a promise from God to either bless or curse our nation. That “issue” is Israel. Our country’s support for Israel has distinguished our young nation from every other nation on the earth.

“I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” Genesis 12:3 (NKJV)

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.” Psalm 122:6 (NKJV)

“And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’” Matthew 25:40 (NKJV)

Only one candidate will continue to make the peace of Jerusalem a priority. Only one candidate loves the Jewish nation. Only one candidate is called by Jews “the best friend Israel has ever had.” That man will get my vote, because as much as it all matters, Israel is what it’s really all about for me. ❤️

P.S. Here is a very engaging and relevant teaching from Amir Tsarfati.

I Think This Is How We Fix 2020

An Important Message for My Christian Friends

When President Trump presented his Deal of the Century, his peace plan for the Middle East, I consulted with the two Bible prophecy teachers I follow. The Israeli said the plan was great, and did not divide Israel. The Arab said it did.

As this was January 28th, my focus was already on the “Wuhan flu,” as it was then called. I decided the Israeli teacher had to know better—he lives there, after all—and just continued to prepare for what this virus might bring our way—it seemed more urgent.

Well, in recent weeks I have been talking to God about what I see happening in our country. I don’t understand why things were going so badly; why evil seems to be winning. Our nation is being destroyed right before eyes! It doesn’t make sense. “Our nation is not blessed! What is going on, Lord? You said You will bless the nation that blesses Israel. Our President has been called Israel’s greatest friend! We were enjoying your blessings before, so what changed? Where is Your favor on our President? This doesn’t make sense.”

“Our nation is not blessed! What is going on, Lord?”

I know these are the End Times, and I know there are going to be troubles, but it felt like something more was happening. Not only was I seeing our nation destroying itself from within, more divided than I could ever imagine, I was also not seeing God’s favor on this administration. Throughout Donald Trump’s presidency, his support for Israel has been incredibly significant. God says He will bless the nation that blesses Israel, and we have reaped the reward of President Trump blessing Israel. In fact, there is nothing more President Trump can do for Israel. He has done everything that needed doing. Yet, that favor seems to be gone, and as hard as it is to believe, our nation is on the verge of embracing Marxism. Violent riots are taking place in every state in our nation. Small businesses that were thriving six months ago are gone. An economy that was breaking records almost every week is now struggling to survive. What the virus started, the riots finished. Speaking of the virus, just as we were reopening our country, we are seeing more cases than ever.

I began to pray for wisdom. I wanted to understand what was going on, so that I could pray more effectively for our nation—I would know what the need really was, and how to intercede.

Well, as I began seeking God, The Holy Spirit almost immediately reminded me of the peace plan I had ignored in January—and the question of Israel being divided. “Doug, I think the peace plan may divide Israel,” I told him. “I need to do some research.”

The first thing I did was go back and listen to J.D. Farag’s message from February 2, concerning the Deal of the Century. He is the Arab, and he expressed his concern and conclusion, after studying the plan. He was only one voice, though.

So, I did more research. I found Israeli newspaper articles about Israeli politicians who were decrying the plan for the same reason. Other biblical prophecy websites added their opposition. There were, in fact, many voices saying the same thing: Trump’s Peace Plan Divides Israel.

One of most significant things I learned, though, is that though there have been many peace plans over the years, President Trump’s plan is the first to have a map!

During our nightly Praise and Prayer services last night, I was praying about this concern. There were two specific things I prayed:

  • First, I prayed that the part of the plan that divides Israel would be revoked. Is that even possible? I don’t know! I do know, though, that nothing is impossible for God, and ye have not, because ye ask not. So, I asked! I told the Lord that I didn’t want our nation to be responsible for dividing His land.
  • The second thing I asked God to do was to send someone of influence, someone who has the President’s ear, to counsel him against this part of the plan. I know they are a godly men and women with whom he consults, so I prayed that one of them recognize the error in this plan and have the courage to tell the President it must be stopped. I prayed that the President would humble himself and receive this counsel.


After our service ended, I watched Jan Markell’s weekly Bible prophecy broadcast. She was interviewing Michelle Bachmann, whom you may recall served in Congress for eight years from the state of Minnesota. As Jan is based in the Twin Cities, I looked forward to hearing an update on how things are going since the murder of George Floyd. However, at the very end of their conversation they began to discuss Trump’s Middle East Deal of the Century. I couldn’t believe my ears! “Doug! She’s talking about it! She’s talking about it! Did you hear what she said?!” I replayed those last few minutes several times.

Since leaving public office, Michelle Bachmann has been busy about God’s business, serving in some very interesting and unique ways. One thing she has been doing is serving as the President’s Evangelicals Advisory Board. She has been in meetings at the White House these past three years, and was present on January 28, when the peace plan was revealed. In other words, she knows and is known by the President: she has his ear!

In those last few minutes, Michelle Bachmann presented a clear and succinct explanation of the history of this land, God’s promised land to Israel, and a biblical case for it to not be divided. She reminded us of The San Remo Agreement, signed 100 years ago, which restored Israel to the biblical boundaries God first drew. She points out that this agreement is still international law! She acknowledged that the blessing of God on our nation has been lifted, and points to the redrawn maps of Israel that cede parts of Jerusalem to form a Palestinian capital. She is praying for these maps to be withdrawn!

Considering how quickly God has answered and confirmed my prayer request, I believe it is very important for the Body of Christ to quickly respond. We need to pray. We need to beg God’s mercy. We need to pray Trump will listen and receive this godly counsel from Michelle Bachmann. She truly is a modern-day Esther, called for such a time as this. ❤️🕊🙏🏼

P.S. This is the video of Michelle Bachmann on Jan Markell’s show. They begin discussing the peace plan at approximately 43:00.

SPECIAL REQUEST: I think I have only asked people to share one other post, my ovarian cancer awareness post. However, I would like to ask you to share this post, too. I am so convinced that we must pray for the dividing of Israel to be stopped, that I urge you to share this with everyone you know. Please, the Body of Christ must pray for the President to recognize the error of dividing God’s land, and for him to withdraw this plan.

The Believer’s Deadline

For some time now, I have been thinking about the absence of the fear of the Lord amongst Believers.

I think it’s a core issue that has caused many to compromise, embrace false doctrine, and fall away from right standing with God.

I believe we have made God into our own image; someone we can understand. Someone who’s thoughts are like our thoughts, and who’s ways are like our ways. We even think our thoughts are His thoughts, sometimes. Without seeking His Word, we go forward. It seems right to us, so let’s do it.

This kind of “faith” actually requires no faith at all.

“But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” (Hebrews 11:6)

Somehow, the church got the idea that God was supposed to be approachable, and that seems to be the crux of the problem. He is not approachable, except through Christ. Only through Christ. We must come to Him clothed in the righteousness of Christ, cleansed by the blood. And, Christ is not something we put on and take off when we get to the church door.

“But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.” (Romans 13:14)

“And be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith.” (Philippians 3:9)

The God of the Old Testament has not changed, and He never will. He required great things of those Saints of old, yet we expect Him to be satisfied with our measly gifts today. We give Him our “extra” time. We yawn and watch the clock. We decide how much we serve according to what we’re already doing, not according to how much there is to be done. We give more time to entertainment, than we do to knowing Him. Sports scores clutter more Facebook statuses than Scripture references. We pollute our minds watching and listening to things that should make us jump up and run out of the room. Why do we want to be a part of glorifying that which nailed our Savior to the Cross?

“Who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed.” (1 Peter 2:24)

Friends, I have not written this to condemn anyone. I am not judging your choices, or prejudiced against your lifestyle. I am only concerned for the Body of Christ. The days are getting short, Brothers and Sisters. Christ is coming soon. That is not an inevitability that we just wait to arrive. “Why think about it? Why preach about it? It’s going to happen anyway.” No. We are missing the point, if that is what we think. Paul described this Christian life as a race to finish (2 Timothy 4:7). What runner ambles around the course, not caring whether or not he reaches the end? The Rapture is a deadline we are supposed to prepare ourselves for, and daily be working towards.

I love you, and I am praying for you. I pray you will allow these words to challenge you to search your heart. ❤

September 13, 2011